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Warehouse #1 John Crow Edition DOK 63% Blanc
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Warehouse #1 John Crow Edition DOK 63% Blanc

SKU: 008000001

Marque: WareHouse #1
Pays: Jamaïque
Distillerie: Hampden
Type: Mélasse
Alambique: Pot Still
Année Embouteillage: 2022
Titrage: 63%
Ester: 1600 gr/hlpa

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This bottling comes from the storied distillery that lies between the hills of Cockpit Country and the sea in Trelawny.

Where the fragrance of high ester funky rums is thick and pungent, and legends live on…


As rum legends go the tale of John Crow , truly stands alone. This crazy tale begins with a crime; a robbery perpetrated on the grounds of The Hampden Estate. Jamaican moonshine was pilfered here by a particular segment of Hampton Estate’s more nefarious Trelawny neighbors’ way back when. They called it John Crow because you had to have a stomach as strong as a vulture, which in Jamaica is called “John Crow”, in order to drink it. Or some say you would circle as high as a John Crow after imbibing some…


It was from this stolen firewater Jamaican overproof has its origins. Used not only for drinking but for christenings, warding off evil spirits, as medicine, at weddings, etc., Jamaican white rum has become something of a spiritual cure-all.


In the tradition of John Crow, we proudly present DOK or Dermot Owen Kelly, Hampden Estate’s highest ester marque, clocking in at 1600 gr/hlpa.

Celebrate Jamaica’s potent overproof tradition with Warehouse #1 Overproof Rum DOK!



Nose: Overripe  bananas & pineapple, raisins, acetone, lime zest

Palate: Green mango, olives, leather, turpentine, sweet pears

Finish: Dried papaya, dill, sawdust, dunder & dusty roads